Monday, November 30, 2009

I don't know what this latest 30 day commitment really means.

But I can say that I had a sweet day today. I worked, and was pleased to find out that I have some hours scheduled for me later in the week. I told my co-worker, "Working is good for me right now."

I was grateful (and AM grateful) to be in a peaceful mood and to have been in a peaceful mood all day.

This evening, about an hour or so ago, I started feeling physically funky. Am I just tired? I hope so! I realized, though, that I was resisting the feeling. The way I noticed this is that I considered what Mr. Wattles teaches us: to see TRUTH, regardless of appearances. He says the truth is health.

And in considering that, I relaxed, and in relaxing, I realized I'd been gripping onto resisting not feeling well. Like pushing against it to push through it. Maybe it's just time for bed. Maybe it's just a message to quiet down and slow down and listen to my body.

I am to do, every day, all that can be done that day, but I'm not to rush. There's no hurry on the creative plane.

I did accomplish a lot today! And while I was at work, I held the visions of what I'm imaging: that money comes to me from expected and unexpected sources and arrives to me in the mail and in direct deposit to my mailbox; and that I have an amazing man in my life. It's sweet and fun.

And guess what! I went to my p.o. box today to pay rent on it for the next six months and in it was an unexpected check for $50! Cha-ching! Being rich IS awesome.

When I considered whether or not to park in the parking garage on this chilly, rainy day (rather than park a few blocks and across the highway away and walk), I realized the only thing that would stop me was some kind of lack mentality. And I remembered Mr. Wattles. The money I need will always be there.

And it always has been. And it is.

And I'm grateful.

Good night.



Sunday, November 29, 2009

How can something ever part from that which it is in its essence?

It's been a while since I've written, and I've missed it. The Certain Way brings such comfort, such relaxation, such spaciousness and such good cheer to my life.

This is the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend. This weekend I was blessed to get away . . . no phone, no computer. Just nature, good friends - old and new, great food, and practicing receiving. I also took some time to get back into the little green book. And I'm grateful.

I do have some fears. AND I'm counting on Mr. Wattles and his coaching. So far so good, right? And I notice that when I'm steeped in the Certain Way, flow and brightness abound.

So I returned home today and have been enjoying my re-entry. Before I left on my trip I was feeling ungrounded, disconnected, anxious. I felt forsaken, if I may admit. I had to have many a conversation with the Lord, imploring to feel the connection again. Scary! But I'm back.

As if we ever could lose it, really. We just go to sleep. It never leaves us. The connection never leaves us. The Formless Substance. The Thinking Stuff. God. How can something ever part from that which it is in its essence?

But the mind. The mind is so convincing.

ANYWAY, here I sit, comfortable in my home. Beautiful music playing. Warm blanket on my lap. Feet up on foot stool. Grateful to be writing. Where I was going with this is . . .

I returned home today and I read Chapter 12, Efficient Action, gratefully.

I've discussed this topic here before. Let's read some of Mr. Wattles' words:

The matter turns, then, on the question of whether you can make each separate act a success. And, this you can certainly do.

You can make each act a success, because the Infinite is working with you, and the Infinite cannot fail.

The Supreme Power is at your service. To make each act efficient you have only to put your own power into it.

What a joy and what a relief to read those words. Sometimes when I read about being efficient and about making each act a success, an old voice comes in to tell me I'm not doing it right, or I'm not working hard enough or some other reason that I'm failing. And yet, here is our fearless leader reminding me: I can. Because the Infinite is working with me, and the Infinite cannot fail.

In fact, I AM that.

The conversation reminds us that we are to do today's work well; not worrying about yesterday's or tomorrow's.

I interpret all of this to mean that THIS MOMENT is the most important and is all there is. And in order to make each act efficient, all we need do is to be very present with each act. Feel my fingers on the computer key board. Chew and taste my food. Feel my feet on the floor and be present to the warmth and texture of the water as I'm washing a dish. Notice my breathing. Know that this is how I am aligned with the Infinite. This is how I allow the power of the Infinite to come through me.

It is there, and it is love, and it wants to play. It wants peace and gentleness. It IS peace and gentleness. All we need to is chill out and allow that to be. Allow our true nature to be.

There's nothing we need to work for. We simply need to do what's right in front of us. All the while, says Mr. W., holding with faith and purpose our vision.

I love this, too:

If you wish speedy results, spend practically all your spare time in this practice. By continuous contemplation you will get the picture of what you want firmly fixed upon your mind and completely transferred to the mind of the formless substance. Then, in your working hours, you need only to mentally refer to the picture to stimulate your faith and purpose and to put forth your best effort. Contemplate your picture in your leisure hours until your consciousness is so full of it that you can grasp it instantly. (Here comes the part I dig:) You will become so enthusiastic about its bright promises that the mere thought of it will call forth the strongest energies of your whole being.

I spent some time really deeply allowing myself such imaging this weekend, and felt in absolute glee. So I can see the benefit of spending time in such contemplation, and I also see the importance of getting the details down, of really getting into the world and vibe of it. I mean, really, it's just fun. And then calling forth that vision in the moment of working makes that moment even more yummy. It reminds us, then, to live in the Certain Way, to work presently and to allow the Infinite to drive, and to have a fun time while at it! The Universe wants to give us what we want, because we are it! We want what we want!

Okay, I'm going to get ready for bed now, and I say, thank you.

I thank you for so much more than I could possibly wrap my mind around, and I thank you for this venue to write and for the coming back to it. I've missed you! Let's do another 30. That'll take us right up to 2010!!!!

All love,


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Some Practice Receiving

I haven't been writing on here much, but the Certain Way remains a major part of my point of view on living. And I'm grateful.

It folds in, as I've mentioned, so beautifully with The Artist's Way, which is taking a lot of my focus. This week we're studying financial abundance, so it's really great. Here are some great quotes:

"Looking at God's creation, it is pretty clear that the creator itself did not know when to stop. There is not one pink flower, or even fifty pink flowers, but hundreds. Snowflakes, of course, are the ultimate exercise in sheer creative glee. No two alike. This creator looks suspiciously like someone who just might send us support for our creative ventures."

"We have tried to be sensible -- as though we have any proof at all that God is sensible . . . Creativity is not and never has been sensible. Why should it be? Why should you be?"

"'This is extravagant but so is God' is a good attitude to take when treating your artist to small bribes and beauties. Remember, you are the cheapskate, not God. As you expect God to be more generous, God will be able to be more generous to you."

(The Artist's Way, Week 6)

This last quote brings me to a topic that I've begun to contemplate this past week, thanks to the subject of my last Diamond call: receiving.

Mr. Wattles teaches us that in order to receive we must be acting on our present environment. Sometimes there seems to be so much to do (really that I want to do) I don't know what to do. Or I worry about the how of it all. So I've been praying just to do one thing at a time and trust that the next step is revealed to me. And sometimes, like when I'm feeling run down from having a cold, the thing to do is to chill out. Sit down for a while. Rest. Write my blog.

I'm excited today to do some shopping -- which is a big part of this receiving -- and to rearrange my bedroom. Those are plenty of things to do! I've been contemplating whether or not I set myself up to receive. Do I welcome some things/people/attention and close myself off to others?

I turn it all back over to God, with gratitude. Mr. Wattles generously reminds us not to worry and not to hurry. He says we never have to be concerned that someone else will beat us to what we want or that opportunities will run out before we get to them. He says all of what we want is available to us, and, in fact, that the Universe is more anxious to bring it to us than even we are to receive it. What's up with that?

I pray to be fully relaxed, surrendered and trusting. And free to receive.

So the receiving. We are to act upon our present place - doing only today's work today: not tomorrow's, not yesterday's. And while we do it, we are to hold our clear mental image and we are to do it with faith, purpose and gratitude.

I still sometimes wonder about the clear mental image. Am I handling everything as I should? Ooooh, did I just use that word? In big orange letters on my white board are the words "NO SHOULDS."

For me, it seems that presence and faith and purpose, and, of course, gratitude are an extremely strong foundation for me. And I believe The Artist's Way is helping me hone in on my clear mental image. Without any force or should. It's helping it arise. I know what I want.

Today I want to rest next (sitting down to write I realize I'm still feeling wiped out from the cold!) and I want to rearrange the bedroom, and I want to do some shopping. I want full, strong, healthy energy when it's time to have it (and ideally regularly). I want faith, faith, faith and to be totally relaxed and surrendered. I want to trust, trust, trust and get my inseparable nature. The inseparable nature of all.

What else is there?

With all that I will have the absolute trust that I can create what I want and that the Universe is always for my highest good. I'm coming more and more to that, too. Less judgment about events. There is no end that we're headed to. That is, we don't know what the end result of any one event or circumstance will be. Like Eckhart Tolle says, if we want to know what caused what's happening now, we have to go all the way back to the Big Bang.

So just hang out in this moment. Allow yourself to have things, with deep peace and gratitude, joy and real love as the primary state of being. In that state, all is a gift, for life itself is a gift, and in that state, we [know we] are one with all of life.

Again: "As you expect God to be more generous, God will be able to be more generous to you."

And a nap on a Saturday afternoon with the windows open is about as generous as I can imagine right now.

I love you.



Thursday, November 12, 2009

Regarding that last entry, I don't know that I have strayed. I trust in God more and more. So many reinforcements of SGR in my world; mainly The Artist's Way.

My body feels sick, and I'm choosing truth, regardless of appearances. Still, listening to the flow and heading to bed early. My heart is wide open and I absolutely love falling back on the love of the Formless Substance.

More soon.

I love you.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Chapter 5

I love and appreciate this chapter and think I've strayed. So I'm grateful to be back with it and trust that my study of it and of the rest of the little green book will have me back on the creative course. Without guilt, simply allowing.

Gotta get to bed.

I love you.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Big Thanks

I really just wanted so say hi and express my gratitude.

I've sort of complained or worried that I haven't been clear enough on my clear mental images. I've also mentioned on here that I'm working through the twelve week creativity course, The Artist's Way, and how aligned it is with the good Mr. Wattles.

I'm coming to find that it is step by step helping me create and CLARIFY my clear mental image. So HUGE THANKS. It's totally downstream and super fun. Seems effortless and there it is, arising.

The two books align so nicely that I could in some ways merge the blogs. Such joy!

Also today I got back to actually reading some of the little green book after reading deprivation week last week. It was very sweet to nibble on. I love the edition I have (Joshua Books) and felt like I'm experiencing it all on deeper and deeper levels.

And in going deeper and deeper into the philosophy - or science! - I'm deeper and deeper in joy and gratitude.

And for THAT I'm deeply grateful.

Right now I feel really sleepy, for which I'm also grateful.

I'm getting really clear on what works for THIS being and allowing that to flow. My gratitude knows no bounds. Nor does my love.

Thank you.



Sunday, November 1, 2009

Clear Mental Image

Actually, I want the king sized bed. But you get the idea . . .

Update and love!

Hey y'all!

So let me give an update . . .

I'm on week four of The Artist's Way which includes reading deprivation! That means, among other things, that I haven't been reading SGR. I've also been staying off of the computer, at least more than usual. It's a challenge!

Anyway, what's happening being away from the little green book is that I'm pulling it into my consciousness from my familiarity with the text.

And it's sweet.

I get nervous - and I'm reluctant to write that because Mr. Wattles tells us not to worry about future emergencies and says that the money we need will always be there - still, I feel like part of the purpose of this blog is to be honest with myself and see where there's room to apply the Certain Way. So that's one of them.

Another way to apply the Certain Way to worry, besides dropping the worrying, is to get into gratitude. And that's a very present thing to do. I was at the gym today, which is a place one's thoughts can kick in, and I felt some worry, some nervousness. So when I became conscious of it, I pulled myself into the present and asked, as Eckhart Tolle taught me, "Is there any problem in this moment?" And there isn't. And from there: gratitude. Gratitude that I can stand, that I can lift weights. Today I even said thanks for my looks, for my eyes.

Right in this moment I'm pleased that the second song on my newly created Dave Matthews Band Pandora station is one of my favorite Jack Johnson songs, "Flake". Where does that darn period go??? I can't surf the Net to find out right now . . . reading deprivation and all . . . I oughta know these things.

It's a gorgeous day in Texas. One can tell the seasons have shifted. Shoot, it's November 1 and the first day of Daylight Savings. :-(

But I'm grateful that I got that extra hour of the morning! And I'm grateful that I slept last night and that when I couldn't sleep I stayed pretty chill and just practiced techniques I know, including thinking what I'm grateful for. It's a soothing practice.

Then today as part of my Artist's Way homework, I got to write a letter to myself from my eighty-year-old me. It was absolutely joyful. I'll link to it here (once I put it on my AW blog next). In it, I was reminded, THERE'S NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. Life will continue to overflow with blessings. This morning I wrote, "Every moment is gold." My eighty-year-old me reminded me of that.

Also in reading The Artist's Way, I've had the joy of seeing the over-lap between that book and our faithful little green book. Our roots as the Creator itself. I'll also link to my Artist's Prayer.

My sweet worlds are over-lapping.

I look forward to reading SGR again next Wednesday.

My friend, Annie, shared with me a great SGR story: she injured her foot recently and was seeing her doctor about having a surgery. Since her insurance deductible is $5000 she pays out-of-pocket for most medical expenses. The doctor told her she didn't have to have the surgery, that her foot might just heal kind of funny, with a few of her toes sticking out sideways.
Annie said, No, I want my foot back. Let's do this. We can do this.

She asked the cost of the operation and the doctor told her it was $1500.

Annie, confident that she wanted to have the operation went home and received a phone call from a customer who told her she wanted to pay off her balance on her Rainbow sweeper she'd bought on installments from Annie. Annie looked at her records and found that the balance was $1500. The customer said, "Great, let's pay it off. Here's my credit card."

THANK YOU for sharing that with me, Annie. I need to hear these things! I miss having people around me playing in this world. It makes such a difference. Makes me consider joining Rebecca's program. But in any case, I won't be doing that until after reading deprivation week's over.

So for now, I'm grateful I know the book well enough to pull Mr. Wattles' words into my mind, reminding me to buzz with the impression of increase, to do - every day - all that can be done that day - with the Supreme Power working always with me, never to rush, and to work with purpose, faith and gratitude that I already get all I want and that's just how it is.

I do feel a little nervous! Help me to drop that nervousness, Lord! Let me trust!


hmmmm . . . just wondered, as I saw the words "clear mental image," if this is one of those circumstances where I'm not generating my C.M.I. strongly enough. Do I not know what I want? Do I have to ask in specific dollars or can I say, I want, always, to have the money to pay my bills, rent, etc. and to keep living the lifestyle I do. For I don't seem to be stopping any behavior. I go in in faith that all is taken care of. YES! I do have faith!

Nice. Thanks.

And DMB now sings "The Maker" - quite certainly a nod to Jerry. I love it. Bad ass. If I look up the chords to this is that cheating on reading deprivation? ;-) ;-) ;-)