Sunday, November 1, 2009

Update and love!

Hey y'all!

So let me give an update . . .

I'm on week four of The Artist's Way which includes reading deprivation! That means, among other things, that I haven't been reading SGR. I've also been staying off of the computer, at least more than usual. It's a challenge!

Anyway, what's happening being away from the little green book is that I'm pulling it into my consciousness from my familiarity with the text.

And it's sweet.

I get nervous - and I'm reluctant to write that because Mr. Wattles tells us not to worry about future emergencies and says that the money we need will always be there - still, I feel like part of the purpose of this blog is to be honest with myself and see where there's room to apply the Certain Way. So that's one of them.

Another way to apply the Certain Way to worry, besides dropping the worrying, is to get into gratitude. And that's a very present thing to do. I was at the gym today, which is a place one's thoughts can kick in, and I felt some worry, some nervousness. So when I became conscious of it, I pulled myself into the present and asked, as Eckhart Tolle taught me, "Is there any problem in this moment?" And there isn't. And from there: gratitude. Gratitude that I can stand, that I can lift weights. Today I even said thanks for my looks, for my eyes.

Right in this moment I'm pleased that the second song on my newly created Dave Matthews Band Pandora station is one of my favorite Jack Johnson songs, "Flake". Where does that darn period go??? I can't surf the Net to find out right now . . . reading deprivation and all . . . I oughta know these things.

It's a gorgeous day in Texas. One can tell the seasons have shifted. Shoot, it's November 1 and the first day of Daylight Savings. :-(

But I'm grateful that I got that extra hour of the morning! And I'm grateful that I slept last night and that when I couldn't sleep I stayed pretty chill and just practiced techniques I know, including thinking what I'm grateful for. It's a soothing practice.

Then today as part of my Artist's Way homework, I got to write a letter to myself from my eighty-year-old me. It was absolutely joyful. I'll link to it here (once I put it on my AW blog next). In it, I was reminded, THERE'S NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. Life will continue to overflow with blessings. This morning I wrote, "Every moment is gold." My eighty-year-old me reminded me of that.

Also in reading The Artist's Way, I've had the joy of seeing the over-lap between that book and our faithful little green book. Our roots as the Creator itself. I'll also link to my Artist's Prayer.

My sweet worlds are over-lapping.

I look forward to reading SGR again next Wednesday.

My friend, Annie, shared with me a great SGR story: she injured her foot recently and was seeing her doctor about having a surgery. Since her insurance deductible is $5000 she pays out-of-pocket for most medical expenses. The doctor told her she didn't have to have the surgery, that her foot might just heal kind of funny, with a few of her toes sticking out sideways.
Annie said, No, I want my foot back. Let's do this. We can do this.

She asked the cost of the operation and the doctor told her it was $1500.

Annie, confident that she wanted to have the operation went home and received a phone call from a customer who told her she wanted to pay off her balance on her Rainbow sweeper she'd bought on installments from Annie. Annie looked at her records and found that the balance was $1500. The customer said, "Great, let's pay it off. Here's my credit card."

THANK YOU for sharing that with me, Annie. I need to hear these things! I miss having people around me playing in this world. It makes such a difference. Makes me consider joining Rebecca's program. But in any case, I won't be doing that until after reading deprivation week's over.

So for now, I'm grateful I know the book well enough to pull Mr. Wattles' words into my mind, reminding me to buzz with the impression of increase, to do - every day - all that can be done that day - with the Supreme Power working always with me, never to rush, and to work with purpose, faith and gratitude that I already get all I want and that's just how it is.

I do feel a little nervous! Help me to drop that nervousness, Lord! Let me trust!


hmmmm . . . just wondered, as I saw the words "clear mental image," if this is one of those circumstances where I'm not generating my C.M.I. strongly enough. Do I not know what I want? Do I have to ask in specific dollars or can I say, I want, always, to have the money to pay my bills, rent, etc. and to keep living the lifestyle I do. For I don't seem to be stopping any behavior. I go in in faith that all is taken care of. YES! I do have faith!

Nice. Thanks.

And DMB now sings "The Maker" - quite certainly a nod to Jerry. I love it. Bad ass. If I look up the chords to this is that cheating on reading deprivation? ;-) ;-) ;-)

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