This is the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend. This weekend I was blessed to get away . . . no phone, no computer. Just nature, good friends - old and new, great food, and practicing receiving. I also took some time to get back into the little green book. And I'm grateful.
I do have some fears. AND I'm counting on Mr. Wattles and his coaching. So far so good, right? And I notice that when I'm steeped in the Certain Way, flow and brightness abound.
So I returned home today and have been enjoying my re-entry. Before I left on my trip I was feeling ungrounded, disconnected, anxious. I felt forsaken, if I may admit. I had to have many a conversation with the Lord, imploring to feel the connection again. Scary! But I'm back.
As if we ever could lose it, really. We just go to sleep. It never leaves us. The connection never leaves us. The Formless Substance. The Thinking Stuff. God. How can something ever part from that which it is in its essence?
But the mind. The mind is so convincing.
ANYWAY, here I sit, comfortable in my home. Beautiful music playing. Warm blanket on my lap. Feet up on foot stool. Grateful to be writing. Where I was going with this is . . .
I returned home today and I read Chapter 12, Efficient Action, gratefully.
I've discussed this topic here before. Let's read some of Mr. Wattles' words:
The matter turns, then, on the question of whether you can make each separate act a success. And, this you can certainly do.
You can make each act a success, because the Infinite is working with you, and the Infinite cannot fail.
The Supreme Power is at your service. To make each act efficient you have only to put your own power into it.
You can make each act a success, because the Infinite is working with you, and the Infinite cannot fail.
The Supreme Power is at your service. To make each act efficient you have only to put your own power into it.
What a joy and what a relief to read those words. Sometimes when I read about being efficient and about making each act a success, an old voice comes in to tell me I'm not doing it right, or I'm not working hard enough or some other reason that I'm failing. And yet, here is our fearless leader reminding me: I can. Because the Infinite is working with me, and the Infinite cannot fail.
In fact, I AM that.
The conversation reminds us that we are to do today's work well; not worrying about yesterday's or tomorrow's.
I interpret all of this to mean that THIS MOMENT is the most important and is all there is. And in order to make each act efficient, all we need do is to be very present with each act. Feel my fingers on the computer key board. Chew and taste my food. Feel my feet on the floor and be present to the warmth and texture of the water as I'm washing a dish. Notice my breathing. Know that this is how I am aligned with the Infinite. This is how I allow the power of the Infinite to come through me.
It is there, and it is love, and it wants to play. It wants peace and gentleness. It IS peace and gentleness. All we need to is chill out and allow that to be. Allow our true nature to be.
There's nothing we need to work for. We simply need to do what's right in front of us. All the while, says Mr. W., holding with faith and purpose our vision.
I love this, too:
If you wish speedy results, spend practically all your spare time in this practice. By continuous contemplation you will get the picture of what you want firmly fixed upon your mind and completely transferred to the mind of the formless substance. Then, in your working hours, you need only to mentally refer to the picture to stimulate your faith and purpose and to put forth your best effort. Contemplate your picture in your leisure hours until your consciousness is so full of it that you can grasp it instantly. (Here comes the part I dig:) You will become so enthusiastic about its bright promises that the mere thought of it will call forth the strongest energies of your whole being.
I spent some time really deeply allowing myself such imaging this weekend, and felt in absolute glee. So I can see the benefit of spending time in such contemplation, and I also see the importance of getting the details down, of really getting into the world and vibe of it. I mean, really, it's just fun. And then calling forth that vision in the moment of working makes that moment even more yummy. It reminds us, then, to live in the Certain Way, to work presently and to allow the Infinite to drive, and to have a fun time while at it! The Universe wants to give us what we want, because we are it! We want what we want!
Okay, I'm going to get ready for bed now, and I say, thank you.
I thank you for so much more than I could possibly wrap my mind around, and I thank you for this venue to write and for the coming back to it. I've missed you! Let's do another 30. That'll take us right up to 2010!!!!
All love,
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