Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Me in Five Years

Dear Friends,

This week on my Diamond call, we looked at where we see ourselves in five years, where we'd like to be. I took this as a good opportunity to create a Clear Mental Image. Following is what I wrote when I considered what I'd say about my life, ideally, five years from now. I have to admit, though, as far as any of the themes in the world of form in this message, who am I to say what's ideal?

I just read in The Power of Positive Thinking (a very SGR book) that an important part of prayer is to be open to God's will beyond our own. Mr. Wattles discusses this when he talks about the man who had a specific business venture planned that fell through at the last minute.

But he was not disappointed. On the contrary, he thanked God that his desire had been overruled, and went steadily on with a grateful mind.
- Chapter 16

(an amazing chapter, by the way, that's been blowing my mind
and answering my questions)

Still, I learned something - or clarified something - about myself and what my Clear Mental Image encompasses. Big thanks to my Diamond community for asking this question, for holding the space to have me create this vision, and for encouraging my writing and asking to read the vision.

So here you go. I love you.

Me, in Five Years

I love my life. I'm grateful for my amazing man who is my true partner on this journey. We laugh a lot.

I have enduring inner peace. It radiates and I am deeply comfortable, relaxed, healthy and guided.

I live a creative life playing music, writing, playing in various visual arts and sharing my creations.

We have a radio show from the road and I write articles for columns and books that are published effortlessly. That is, everything is in the flow.

I live totally by guidance. As does my man. We are guided to travel, create and also be still. We have a home-base in the [Texas] Hill Country and travel the U.S. in our - what else - Airstream. We also travel internationally, often to places we can surf.

We have easy relationships with our friends and families and are committed, always, to opening our hearts, above all else.

Financially we are always taken care of. We have learned to live in the Certain Way and trust the Formless Substance to take care of our every need and desire. We have been playing in the Diamond for five years now and it has been a huge financial and spiritual blessing and we've share it with many, many people in our life. It has contributed greatly to our freedom and we know that it arose for us out of transforming our consciousness and understanding our divinity.

We relish sharing this conversation through the Diamond and other venues.

We are happy with our lives in a very grounded and peaceful way and continue to train in practices like Vipassana which support us in equanimity and non-reaction. In this way we live in love more and more fully and less encumbered by worry or doubt.

We model such things from a quiet beingness and share our guides whenever asked.

Meanwhile we follow our hearts. At home we eat beautiful, wholesome foods and create our art. Our lives are filled with exercise, meditation, community, peace and music.

We have been shown that we exist fully in the arms of the Divine and we are 100% trusting.

Exponential love expands when we come around. It's very, very beautiful and ultimately peaceful. We are blessed.

Sat nam. Truth is [our] identity.


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