Friday, September 18, 2009

A brief note on Gratitude

Gratitude is such a key part of the Science of Getting Rich, it has its own chapter in this short book (that's Chapter 7). I don't actually believe that it's redundant to say that I am grateful to feel so much gratitude. It is a true gift. It is a feeling, an oozing, so different from the head-tripping I was doing this morning.

I wonder about getting too into my head with the study of this work, but then I see that the further one gets into it, the more it becomes about presence and gratitude. What else is there?

I think it's key that we get to that truly quiet place before the real creation and the real dial in to the Formless Substance happens.

I've been listening to The Power of Now a lot in the past week or so, and it's been wonderful to dive back into it. I'm clear that it IS my path. There have been times when I've been unsure how these two worlds (The Power of Now and The Science of Getting Rich) align, but even as I asked the question, it was answered for me.

And that, my friends, is another blog entry all together. I'll just say, for me, the alignment of the two is the only way I could go deeply into SGR. I'm grateful for that.

And I just want to say: I'm grateful for my life! It really is spectacular: filled with love and wonder. The most wonderful thing is to feel the love that emanates from within me. What deeper blessing could a person ask for except to get out of one's way and allow that state to be present all the time? It is only the thinking mind - and I'm grateful to have one that works well! - that distracts us from the knowing that emanating love is always present.

When I return to moments of quiet and true appreciation, it's a relief. I don't always feel so clear and overflowing. But I was reminded today by a friend's writing that balance is the way of nature. Downs happen. Ups happen. And they all pass. My Vipassana training showing up in the moment. Everything arises to pass away. May my highs be more relaxed. May I not fret when I'm low. Humans miraculously heal. And sometimes we feel tired or sick or sad or anxious or lonely.

And other times we feel a deep and pervasive sense of gratitude.

May the two states not be mutually exclusive. May our hearts stay open - and not just from a heady place.

Love, love,


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