Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Man

Here's one area where I am creating a CMI (Clear Mental Image).

I read an article a while back in Oprah Magazine where a woman had made such a list and then put it away and some years later realized her man had all but two of one hundred qualities she'd created. She said she'd made the list and then put it in the back of her closet and forgot about it. I suppose that differs from the Wallace Wattles instruction. He says to spend leisure time contemplating the details of your vision and work time focused on doing your work well, while holding the general image of what you want also in your mind.

In my living room, on a wall I'm currently facing, is the poster I created when I wanted to move into the perfect apartment for me. I'd written the list over and over again in ads requesting a living space. I'd journaled them, I'm pretty sure. It just wasn't coming, but I was so clear on what I wanted. Gas stove, central air and heat, bathtub (remember the big antique claw-foot tub I created?), outdoor living space, good neighbors, you know, stuff like that. So finally I made a poster at someone's recommendation. I sit in the very apartment I created with that poster.

So does that mean now I make a poster about this man of mine? I think the fact that I'm publicly declaring my list is a huge first step.

It started like this:

1. Great kisser.
2. Great hippie dancer and loves hippie dancing.
3. Good looks.
4. Fit.
5. Loves and appreciates Ryan Adams.
6. Can cook.
7. Cooks for me.
8. Skillful masseur and gives me massages.
9. Pays attention to details.
10. Mellow and supportive around menstrual issues.
11. Loves exercise.
12. Monogamous with me.
13. Funny.
14. Smart.
15. Reads.
16. Great sex with me, very present during, loves to hang around together after.
17. World traveler.
18. Also likes to nest.
19. Loves and appreciates Jerry G.
20. Skillful writer.
21. Outdoorsy.
22. Can start a fire and pitch a tent.
23. Musician; we jam together and with friends.
24. Gets along with his family.
25. Gets along with my family.
26. Within five years of my age.
27. Wants children with me.
28. Appreciates a good HBO series.
29. Mostly eats healthily.
30. Quiet sleeper.
31. Minimal (if at all) alcohol drinker.
32. Gregarious.
33. Skilled, authentic communicator.
34. Knows the common, agreed on reality is not real.
35. Takes me to fancy hotels.
36. Senior Landmark grad.
37. Goes with me to India.
38. Adventurous.
39. Doesn't believe in embarrassment.
40. Super respectful.
41. Knows I'm the bee's knees.
42. Into teachings like Eckhart Tolle's.
43. We only have eyes for each other.
44. Conscious, and returns to consciousness.
45. Compassionate.
46. Silly.
47. Balanced between calling me out on my shit and letting me get away with my shit.
48. We laugh a lot together.
49. Really super fun.
50. Clean but not fastidious.
51. Super into the Free Organic Veggie Hippie Food Love Van Dance Party and co-creates it with me.
52. Has good, long-lasting friendships.
53. No powders.
54. Balanced life.
55. Meditates.
56. Great with children.
57. Together we create exponential love and it makes a difference across the universe.
58. We model what's possible in relationships, especially communication, commitment and presence.
59. Committed to the joyful awakening of human consciousness with gentleness and a sense of humor.
60. Loves himself.
61. Likes to go to the moves with stadium seating with me.
62. Feels a sense of protection toward me.
63. Gives me lots of room to do my thing and be with my people.
64. Gets my stuffies.
65. Financially liberated.
66. Reads to me in bed and when I'm in the bathtub.
67. Loves my cooking.
68. Has a very open heart.
69. 100% committed to the relationship.
70. Innately happy.
71. Doesn't smoke cigarettes. Smokes pot occasionally.
72. Inspires me to presence.
73. Between six and eight inches taller than I am.
74. Has country-sounding or English, Australian or New Zealand accent.
75. Digs kirtan.
76. Indifferent to whether or not I remove hair from my body.
77. Loves my appearance and complements me on it.
78. When we go see Patti Smith, he loves it.
79. Confident.
80. Forgiving and light-hearted.
81. Endlessly interesting and interested.
82. Knows when to bring me chocolate and only brings me high-quality dark chocolate.
83. {Hidden cuz it's personal, but I can see it and so can the formless substance.}Nice dick, larger side of medium - large, perfect fit for me.
84. Can do basic plumbing and car maintenance and teaches me.
85. Very patient.
86. Generous and skilled lover.
87. Handy around the house.
88. Deep spiritual commitment: ultimately #1 for him.
89. We're psyched to be in relationship together.
90. Similar sleep schedules and habits.
91. Gives off the impression of increase, naturally.
92. Based in Austin.
93. Welcomes, receives and relishes my love, care and affection.
94. Gives me enduring love, care and affection and I welcome, receive and relish it.
95. Celebrates me.
96. Very sexy.
97. Brilliant.
98. Writes notes about how awesome I am on my bathroom mirror with dry erase marker.
99. Consistent.
100. It's just obvious.
101. Lives by the principles of the Science of Getting Rich.
102. We admire each other.
103. Creative and supports creativity.
104. Engenders peace and egolessness.
105. Loves p.c. with me and we have lots of it.
106. Perfect balance of together and separate.
107. Has a calming effect on me.
108. Grounded.

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