Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I am.

Hi friends.

I am exhausted and emotionally fried.

AND I want to tell you that today on the plane back from Chicago, after writing five or six pages of "morning pages" (read "venting and spewing") and strolling up and down the aisle smiling at people and talking with a little boy about his panda bear who has recently been advanced from orange belt to green belt in some sort of teddy bear martial arts, I read the last few chapters of The Science of Getting Rich, and my heart opened up. The work is magnificent and full of love and encouragement. I was really moved and grateful.

I arrived after an effortless flight to the welcoming Austin airport where my bag was already on the luggage belt by the time I got to it. I oozed gratitude as I took the shuttle to my car, choosing the $10 bill over the $1 bill because I KNOW there is more and that we are giving increase to all! Almost nothing jazzes me up like tipping big. In my Clear Mental Image, I leave $100 bills in the tip jars at my favorite cafe. Cafe Mundi, this means You!

Had beautiful conversations with good friends, including one in person over lunch, went to the gym, and am home in my pajamas now.

The afternoon and evening took a turn for the intense for me mentally and emotionally (not to mention being exhausted from all of the above and more), and still, I sit in gratitude.

I see that there are places to let go of before I can fully be living in The Certain Way, and they are presenting themselves to me. As much as I have feared them, I can see how they can also be compassionate changes for all involved: liberating. I must liberate myself. Otherwise I'm suffocating. And that is the OPPOSITE of what the good Mr. Wattles teaches us.

Treat yourself. Read the last few chapters of SGR if you haven't lately. It's a joy.

I'm deeply grateful for the book and for the focus on gratitude. I know I was present to it before, and I see how much more deeply I am present to it now as well as to the way it makes one buzz with presence.

And I called up a good friend having forgotten that she is also a devotee, as it were, of Eckhart Tolle, and I knew that was the answer to the prayer I put out to God earlier in the evening. I told Him, "You never let me down." I have faith.

And for that I'm deeply grateful.

Sat Nam.


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