I've been having sweet moments of non-linearality. Heh heh. It's always fun to try to come up with that word. Non-linearality. Ha! I just looked it up. Linearity. Non-linearity. I sorta like my word better. Well anyway! . . .
Monday, October 26, 2009
Every Act Brings Riches
I've been having sweet moments of non-linearality. Heh heh. It's always fun to try to come up with that word. Non-linearality. Ha! I just looked it up. Linearity. Non-linearity. I sorta like my word better. Well anyway! . . .
Friday, October 23, 2009
It's Continually Coming Around
This morning I was inspired to put a $20 bill in an envelope and take it to the bus stop. Yesterday I'd been feeling nervous about money and recalled the story from DarynKagan.com about the woman who was instructed by her spiritual teacher to give things away (to get her head out of her own booty). She was told that she had to give at least some things that were hard to give . . . things she thought she couldn't afford to give.
I thought about that this morning and chose to put a twenty in an envelope. It felt great and clear.
So out to the bus stop I went, making sure there was nobody there. I taped the envelope to the bench as the owner of the business (a barber shop) behind the bus stop pulled into his driveway. I'd actually noticed that his car wasn't there when I walked out, thinking it odd that it was 10:30 in the morning and he wasn't there yet.
I went over to say hi and I said, "You're late," and he said, "No, I'm not. I'm my own boss." He said, "You're just used to seeing certain things." So true!
So he said, "You're the one who's been leaving that stuff on my front stoop." I told him, it's not his front stoop, it's the bus stop, and he said he'd been wondering when he was going to catch [the gift-leaving bandit].
I told him what was in today's envelope and he couldn't believe it. He went and looked at it and said, "I found it." Also true.
He took it down and held it up to the sun, not believing that I (or anyone?) would do such a thing! He kept asking me, "Is it real?"
I assured him it was and he said, "I'm gonna give this back to you for Christmas."
I checked in with myself to see if that felt in the flow or if I wanted him to put it back on the bench. A part of me longed for the idea of someone finding the envelope and it making their day. I also know this is not the last time I leave treats like this around town. No, he was right. He found it. And I liked the idea that it was almost instantly coming back to me, if that's what he chooses to do with it. It was like a message from the Universe saying, it's continually coming around.
I look forward to the day I leave $100 bills out there!
You never know what's going to be at your bus stop!
Have a great day.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Abundance beyond what my mind can comprehend
Inner Peace, Before All Else
What an amazing book. I read some comments by people today who talked about how they get more and more out of it each time they read it. I've probably read the book somewhere around fifty times now (actually, I have no idea. It's just been constant since February), and I swoon over little tidbits as I go through. The perfect message appears at the perfect time.
This passage above has me looking at what my vision is. Sometimes I feel iffy about my vision. I often feel the pull of travel -- and I know Mr. Wattles recommends against vague visions of travel. He says, be specific. So what is it, underneath that, that I'm seeking?
It's freedom.
And today I was chatting with a friend about money and how I'd like to have at least $10,000 in the bank at all times. That it felt like that would lend a feeling of security. And then I saw that, like wanting to hear that another person loves me, cannot give me the ultimate security that I seek. I can only get that in the arms of God.
So my friend and I talked about how we have security collapsed with money, self-worth collapsed with the apparent love of others. He told me it's not like we have to try to get rid of those thoughts; we can simply distinguish them.
So what else, outside of the appearance of security?
Well, like I mentioned above: freedom.
And before all else, INNER PEACE.
For years that was my primary prayer. In the past few years I've come to find that all that praying had paid off. So it's interesting to play in game of creating in the world of form.
Will having my car painted freshly and a new windshield lend itself to my feelings of inner peace and freedom, or do those feelings come first, and from there, I'm able truly to connect with the source [that I am anyway] and create a freshly painted, new-windshielded car?
One of my favorite songs just came on my Joni Mitchell Pandora: Coyote.
You know what's cool?
I'm writing almost every day. Whether here on this blog or another, the writing is coming out of me. And that's a joy. It's what I love to do. It's flowing. I'm grateful for that.
And when I start to get nervous about my financial picture -- and I have been getting nervous a little bit in the last few days -- I'm deeply grateful for the teachings of Mr. Wattles. He's so incredibly generous and soothing. And I believe him. I do what he tells me to do, as much as I'm able.
There seems to be a lot around me about unearthing what it is we really want. What are those clear mental images? Some of them still feel like shoulds.
Right now: freedom and inner peace. Freedom to move around the planet unencumbered. Freedom from guilt that I'm not living up to what some people might want of me. Freedom from guilt of any kind. Freedom to do everything I choose to do without worry about where the money is going to come from.
I want to have my car painted and have the windshield replaced.
I want to go to Hawaii in December to see Ram Dass et al.
I want to be so relaxed that I never think twice about paying bills or where the money's coming from.
I want to access the ever-flowing river of abundance so I don't sit on the sidelines and admire others who have it and keep myself tethered to them by some strange voyeurism.
I'm grateful to The Artist's Way for helping me unearth some of this. These two books absolutely go hand-in-hand. I AM on the right path. My guides are telling me what to do and I'm listening.
Thank you.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Different from what I sat down to write . . .
Two quick notes today.
One, I am feeling strangely under-the-weather. Like I have a low fever or something. Headache, face tingly. Earlier when it was coming on I felt really weird and I was in a store and I got scared and kinda freaked out. One thing that got me through was remembering what Mr. Wattles says about health:
To look upon the appearances of poverty will produce corresponding forms in your own mind, unless you hold to the truth that there is no poverty; there is only abundance.
To think health when surrounded by the appearances of disease or to think riches when in the midst of the appearances of poverty requires power, but whoever acquires this power becomes a "master mind. That person can conquer fate and can have what he wants.
This power can only be acquired by getting hold of the basic fact which is behind all appearances, and that fact is that there is one thinking substance from which and by which all things are made."
So contemplating this helped me keep it together rather than freak out at the pasta counter at Whole Foods. It also reminds me of what Eckhart would teach, or any number of other teachers and sages. Even if I were to die in this body right then (I know, I was being dramatic, but I felt weird!) I remain the Formless Substance.
The other thing that I wanted to touch on is that I'm now in Week 3 of The Artist's Way, and I love it, AND it's SOOOOO SGR! The author this week talks about synchronicities and I see how the studying that I do is all lining up so that I am more and more dialed in to creating. It's as if The Artist's Way has arisen to nudge my SGR world ahead and to help me clarify my Clear Mental Images.
It's wonderful, positive and good fun.
And for now, even though I can hold to truth regardless of appearances, I'm gonna take this body that appears to be a little under-the-weather into the kitchen and get some food and get on to resting.
More soon.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
What Truer Love?
This continues to be my prayer:
"You must learn to see the underlying truth in all things. You must see beyond all seemingly wrong conditions the great one life ever moving toward fuller expression and more complete happiness."
What deeper path could there be than this? What deeper relief? What truer love?
Also up for me has been a noticing in which ways I've slipped back into the competitive plane, forgetting the creative plane. Forgetting there is nothing anyone else has of which I cannot have the same, only my getting it does not need to take from anyone else. On the creative plane, when I get mine, everyone wins.
I'm not gonna criticize myself here. I got on my knees again to pray last night out of confusion and mental/emotional struggle and it gave me some space. Turning such things over to God is about all I know to do. Just to notice and do my best not to make wrong. See the quote above!
Finally, for today, I'll share this passage and say this: I do believe this is the life I'm living and continue to live. Today has been downright dreamy. After I write here I'll have a snack and go out for a long walk on this spectacular late afternoon. I live the life I love. I'm deeply grateful and blessed and thank the Lord (and Annie White) for bringing this book to me. Here's the passage:
May these words be helpful to another.
May you live the life you love.
Stay tuned for on-going exploration, peace, presence, joy and increase and more life for all!
I love you!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Living the Certain Way Today
I'm grateful to be easing back into the flow. I wonder what has me dance away from it? Am I every really away from it?
Today I went to work and had opportunities to more than fill my present place, for which I was grateful.
I also had my head up my butt, well, let's say it was, like, up my butt, but peeking out. LOL! I kept hearing the words, "Do today's work today." They helped me keep returning to the present. I also was saying to myself, "I am the awareness that is aware."
I felt better after lunch and wondered if maybe the unease was just hunger.
Also tonight I was on my Diamond call (excellent) and heard some things about how some Diamonds can take up to almost a year to fully cycle. I felt sort of nervous because I feel like I somewhat count on my Diamond to bring me cash. But recently, when coming present to this, I've realized the limitation of the thought, and opened up to all sources. Opened up to be pleasantly surprised. But, in a way, not surprised. As Mr. Wattles reminds us, gratitude begets faith, and living in faith, we expect good things. We ARE infinite.
I stood on the lawn in front of the Allman Brothers Band and knew that I am the very same as those guitars, as the sound, as the people, as the lights, as the trippy visuals on the screens. I felt absolute peaceful gratitude.
So as I had my moment or two of worry, I gratefully remembered the words that I read today:
It's such a relaxing statement. In those moments I do a quick scan to see if there's any problem in the moment or anything I need to deal with in that moment, and there is not. What's there to do is today's work - and to do today's work well.
I'm grateful for opportunities to do work, to more than fill my present place, to give off the impression of increase, to be grateful.
AND, I need to take good care of this generous body, so I'm going to get on to bed.
Thanks for reading. May your day be filled with the impression of increase.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Where are you trying to get?
Funny, even as I sat down to write this, I started to scroll backward through the days and found myself about to read about my past. Sometimes I find it useful or even inspiring to read some of my past writings, but that's not my intention today.
A few days ago I took twenty-plus pounds of journals and threw them in the trash can on trash day.
I've been slowly but surely purging things in my house. A few weeks ago I donated about half of my books to the library. I could keep going and not miss most of them. During my next upcoming visit from my organizer, we're hitting the closets and clothing. I can hardly wait!
Sometimes it feels great. Sometimes it feels weird. Purging those journals was mostly weird and kind of reactionary.
I'd been wondering for a while what, if anything, I should do with them. But I'm pretty hip to what's in them: past.
Does relieving myself of past writing free me from my past? Perhaps it helps. I've been known to open those books and just get lost in them. Solidify a false sense of self based on how horrible I think I am that I haven't grown more (that I'm still whining in similar ways, still having relationships that make my friends say, "That's not what you want.") or feel guilt or shame for how out-of-it I've been. How wistful and naive. Other times I become present to my on-going commitment to and devotion to the Divine and see in writing the continuing unfolding of that experience.
Any journal I write today would be more or less the same.
Last night I was at a concert (thanks, Giraffie, for going with me and making it all possible! I had a great time!) and I had a great ah-hah moment:
I saw that I've been living as if there's some place to get to. The money. The man. The Airstream Dance Party.
And as I sat on the toilet at the Cynthia Woods Pavilion, I knew: THIS IS IT. There is nothing else but this.
There's nothing else but me here, legs crossed (feet freshly pedi'ed), Ray Brown Trio playing on my Abdullah Ibrahim Pandora, the slight breeze from the ceiling fan making itself known to the left side of my face, my clothes clicking against the side of the dryer in the next room, this key board warm underneath the heels of my hands.
Where else is there to be?
I'd been wondering earlier yesterday evening if almost 40 is a little late to be getting my life started. What I wonder now is, what would have me think that it's just starting. It is a continual becoming.
Somehow I've been duped into thinking that there's somewhere else to be. Some other way to be before I've made it, am complete, worthwhile, a success. And such sweet relief at dropping that from a place of knowing, rather than theorizing.
So I go back to the quote from our good little green book at the top of this page:
"You cannot act where you are not. You cannot act where you have been, and you cannot act where you are going to be. You can only act where you are."
There truly is no place to get. The only place we're eventually going to get, in this lifetime, is to our death. And if I'm scurrying to do things -- to make it -- before I get there, what real use is there? I'm going to achieve that finish line no matter what, right? And what about right now?
This music I'm hearing is super mellow and fits in nicely with my now 3/4 drunk cup of chamomile and my pensive and fatigued mood. I have to remind myself that I'm very tired from the big night last night and not to get too lost in thoughts or emotions, for they are all passing.
What's left to do is make my bed, fold and put away my laundry, rest. A little meditation sounds nice. For really, there's nothing else to do. There is this moment, opening up always.
I appreciate this part of Mr. Wattles' philosophy that helps me calm down and focus in a little more. Act more efficiently. But just remember, we do this not to get somewhere. We are right here, aligned with the Supreme Power, that which takes total care of us.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
My Prayer
"You must learn to see the underlying truth in all things. You must see beneath all seemingly wrong conditions the one great life ever moving forward toward fuller expression and more complete happiness."
- Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich, Chapter 10
My prayer is that be where I exist fully. My prayer is not to judge, as the Lord does not judge. It is not to me to judge any situation. I don't know what benefit may come. And it may be years before I can actually see a benefit from a particular situation, but I can remember that I don't know what's to come. I don't know right/wrong. Still, I have this judging mind that thinks it knows, and it keeps me in depression and guilt and shame and fatigue and fear and bullshit places that are not what we read in the above quote.
"You must see beneath all seemingly wrong conditions."
This is my prayer. That I can do that in each moment.
Lord, neutralize my opinions and judgments and allow Your love to flow through, unencumbered by opinion. And if this person, Carin, isn't able to do so, allow my Higher Self to be aware of this truth and smile in compassion, even as the person stumbles through the dance of this dream.
Thank you.
I'm in week two of the twelve week course of The Artist's Way. One of the assignments this week is to read these "Basic Principles" each morning and evening. We're to look for where we're able to let go of skepticism. I'm grateful for my SGR studies, cuz this stuff is totally in the flow:
2. There is an underlying, in-dwelling creative force infusing all of life--including ourselves.
3. When we open ourselves to our creativity, we open ourselves to the creator's creativity within us and our lives.
4. We are, ourselves, creations. And we, in turn, are meant to continue creativity by being creative ourselves.
5. Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God.
6. The refusal to be creative is self-will and is counter to our true nature.
7. When we open ourselves to exploring our creativity, we open ourselves to God: good orderly direction.
8. As we open our creative channel to the creator, many gentle but powerful changes are to be expected.
9. It is safe to open ourselves up to greater and greater creativity.
10. Our creative dreams and yearnings come from a divine source. As we move toward our dreams, we move toward divinity.
I've had kind of a rough day, emotionally. I haven't been sleeping so well. I've folded in and out of some situations that feel confusing or wrong to me and yet, there they are. Relationships. The ego. Fear. Confusion. Judgment. Loneliness.
Today I literally got on my knees and asked the following of the Lord:
Lord, may I look only to you for approval, only to you for love and worth. And may you send me a man to adore and who adores me in the same way and we're free and willing to do so.
And I got this in response:
You only have to ask Me. I'm the One to ask. I love you, child. All is well.
Thank you, Lord. In those moments, it's so clear. When I have the clarity and humility to ask and to know that You are the only real source.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Get Rich
A few weeks ago I met a man who is the chief medical officer of a major city hospital system. I found out that he's also a musician who plays guitar, "and I'm a Dead Head," he told me, a Dead Head myself. He said that he plays music to soothe him when work gets too stressful. I can imagine that it might! And I told him that I'm glad someone's busting their ass; I'm just interested in playing.
[This is funny, my Pandora just started playing "Boy You're Gonna Carry That Weight". Hee hee hee!]
Today I was chatting with a man who has maybe five jobs, several of them which would be full-time for most people. Although he complains about the craziness of his schedule, he also acknowledges that he loves it. He told me recently, when I asked him why he'd just picked up another job, "I like money. I like challenges. I like to 'win.' . . . Hence, another job."
These two conversations had me consider my own situation and philosophy. The latter of these guys told me that he likes nice things and that with more money, you can have nice things.
Yes. Agreed. Let's have lots of money! I'm all for that.
Still, I wonder about the need to work harder to bring the money in. To have the nice things.
Mr. Wattles never says it's an easy trip. He says we have to work at guarding our thoughts and keeping focused with faith, purpose and gratitude. He says we're to do our best with our current situation, more than filing our present places. He says to do, each day, all that can be done that day. However, he reminds us (and I love this) not to hurry, as hurrying is an expression of fear that there's not enough of something (time, money, opportunities, resources, etc.).
Where am I going with this?
I guess I'm wondering if I'm doing enough and if what I consider my job is ample, if I compare myself with these others. But Mr. W might likely - were he here to ask - recommend against comparison. Is that not competitive in nature?
And if I read back over my last entry, I seem confident in my job.
My job, to me, seems to be being present and loving in any and every situation. Keep opening my heart. Opening my consciousness. Waking up to the fact that there isn't even anything for me to merge with: I'm it already (So are you. So is this keyboard. So is this couch. So is the furry feeling on my teeth, and so is my headache.).
Fascinating that in tonight's fatigue I'd go down this road of questioning. Also today I had a conversation with a friend who completely lives his life on guidance. He shared with me about his fiance and about a decision she's looking at, and he said that she's waiting to get guidance one way or the other.
That was sweet to hear because that is how I live my life, more or less. In the flow. Allowing flow to show me. Trusting in God and my path. I find that when I'm resisting, mentally, what's arising in front of me, I'm fighting against the flow. There's no room for any movement in such resistance. No space.
To see negativity, at all, goes against seeing truth regardless of appearances. I've been playing with not having an opinion, with neutrality. It's sweet.
Eckhart Tolle says, how do you know that you're having the right experience for your spiritual growth? Because you're having the experience you're having.
Again, where am I going with this?
I guess, looking back at the original topic tonight, I continue to be encouraged to get rich on the creative plane. And I have faith and purpose and vast amounts of gratitude, love, exuberance for life and appreciation. Yeah, I'm on track.
If I want to see how I stack up with these others, is that competitive? I think so.
May I just continue to keep my heart open, love everyone, celebrate our ultimate oneness, and, as Mr. Wattles says, inspire others by being rich in the creative realm.
I am.
Interesting and also beautiful day. Praying for good, restorative sleep. Grateful for the beautiful food I ate today, for seeing and talking with my friends and relatives (!), sunshine, taking a walk, my body, money, Paul Simon Pandora, my home, climate control (tonight it's a.c.), this blog and the on-going inquiry, and reducing my emailing and Facebooking time so I am more efficient.
I love you,
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Thinking in the Certain Way
So I was reading this chapter tonight and asking myself if I have my clear image of what I want. Sometimes I think I don't. Sometimes I think I need to put more concentration and focus on such things. I kept on reading.
I'm always relieved at this part:
So practical! So easy! So downstream.
Here's what really had me relax:
What I see in my life right now is definitely the purpose. As I came to realize in the course of writing this blog this past month, "purpose" - in the way Mr. Wattles distinguishes it - is like insistence.
I came to the point several months ago when I realized that my life had to be the way it is . . . and that it will be, as well. I've been blessed to have that work out in my favor.
Some time ago I struggled with whether or not there was something other than what I was doing in the moment that I was "supposed" to be doing. In other words, was I supposed to be looking for a job rather than concentrating on creating a collage (for Neal's birthday!), and I came to realize: no. I was living my purpose moment by moment.
I trust my intuition because, ultimately, it comes when "I" get quiet enough that the wisdom of presence can come through. I know I can count on that. It's been taking good care of me for quite some time now. And will continue to.
So eventually, whether consciously or not, I came to insist that my life continue to be supported. That being present and listening to my intuition and trusting that I'm led to the actions I need to take are really my jobs.
Wow, I just realized I'm getting sleepy and am losing track of what I'm saying.
I just wanted to say that I'd read tonight with a little bit of doubt or thinking that there was something else I needed to do, and I came to see, in reading further and contemplating the journey of this past month or so, that all is well. I have my vision and my purpose and my faith. I'm grateful as heck.
Wonder if this will make sense when I read it tomorrow?
Nighty night loves.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Increase and More Life for All!!
This is Beautiful . . .
Anyway, I was looking for him tonight as I was programming stations into my Pandora and wanted something of the type of music he played.
One of the first links that came up was something posted on a blog called Live in Abundance. Hello!
Turns out, it's Rebecca Fine's blog. Rebecca writes a wonderful Science of Getting Rich newsletter that I always find enlivening and inspiring. How wonderful to be connected through my heart's searching for music!
Another great sign that all is dialed in. I feel relief, as I had a pretty moody day. This evening has lightened up, and for that I'm deeply grateful. In the tub I read the Gratitude chapter of SGR. Thank you. And, wow, do I love and appreciate my bathtub!
More soon.
On the tv is a video of Ryan Adams in Jamacia and my favorite part is Ryan playing with Toots. THAT is inspiring. I'm also looking at my negative thoughts (my "blurts") as part of my Artist's Way work. There must be some crossover here. I think I'm hungry.
I don't even have an SGR in front of me to grab a blurb from. Let me look for one.
“I want hands to build wonderful structures, to play divine harmonies, to paint glorious pictures. I want feet to run my errands, eyes to see my beauties, tongues to tell mighty truths and to sing marvelous songs,” and so on.
All that there is of possibility is seeking expression through people. God wants those who can play music to have pianos and every other instrument and to have the means to cultivate their talents to the fullest extent. He wants those who can appreciate beauty to be able to surround themselves with beautiful things. He wants those who can discern truth to have every opportunity to travel and observe. He wants those who can appreciate dress to be beautifully clothed, and those who can appreciate good food to be luxuriously fed.
He wants all these things because it is himself that enjoys and appreciates them; they are his
creation. It is God who wants to play, and sing, and enjoy beauty, and proclaim truth, and wear fine clothes, and eat good foods. “It is God that worketh in you to will and to do,” said the apostle Paul.
The desire you feel for riches is the infinite, seeking to express himself in you as he sought to find
expression in the little boy at the piano.
So you need not hesitate to ask largely.
Your part is to focus on and express that desire to God.
- Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich, Chapter 6
I dig it. Two of my Artist's Way affirmations are:
And so it is.
One of the things I love about SGR is that it doesn't take me through all sorts of digging for old thought patterns and disempowering beliefs. We just move forward and swim in the loving arms of God. I dig that. It's pretty easy, and downstream. Yeah, this book helps me feel good. I'm glad for that. :-)
I'm gonna go make some dinner.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.
A person can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon the formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.
- Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich
We are made of the formless substance. We are made of the living, thinking stuff. It's almost not that we're made of it; rather, we are it. There is nothing that isn't it.
We're dreaming it all, and all we have to do is awaken to that, and we can "have" anything we want. We wake up to consciously dreaming. It's fun.
I held a three-week-old baby girl yesterday and had the clear sense of her being an expression of the formless substance throwing itself into form to express itself more fully. Where else did she come from? Yeah, yeah, sperm and egg and all that, but when you look at the little child, her ears, her fingers, her eyes . . . there is more there beyond what our minds can comprehend as biology. It's magic.
It IS our source. We are inseparable from the creative substance that makes babies. That has plants grow. That vibrates as music.
We need only awaken to this simple fact. And everything is an invitation to awaken.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I was feeling out of sorts earlier tonight. Doubtful. Upset. It wasn't horrible but there were definitely voices in my head saying things didn't look so good.
The best thing that I touched on was the fact that this, too, shall pass. Got space right away and freedom in that moment. Thank you, Vipassana!
Then I went to meet my new Artist's Way partner, Deborah, to sign our contracts. We are now committed to twelve weeks of self-discovery and unleashing our creative sprites! I'm psyched! And having that meeting totally helped shift me out of the head-up-my-butt state that I'd been in. Much thanks to all and to God for that one.
Then I got home and made a date with a friend to have smoothies and go for a walk around my neighborhood in the morning and another friend is coming 'round in the afternoon. What a downstream day I've created for myself! And I'll get my exercise in! Thank you!
And THEN, my neighbor knocked on my door and said, "Veggie lasagna?"
Um . . . let me think . . . OF COURSE! HELLS YES!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
When I'd been feeling doubtful earlier, I recalled Mr. Wattles reminding us to spend time in gratitude (and contemplating our vision). I have to admit that my vision was blurred at the time and I wasn't too present to my gratitude at the moment either. Still, with a bit of patience, the love unfolded all around and within me.
I don't feel disappointed at all right now. Fascinating how we think feelings are real and solid and have foundation.
So I'm saving my lasagna for tomorrow and about to make a snack to eat right now because, even though I had dinner, I feel really hungry. I'm grateful for the fruit and yogurt and chia seeds and flax oil I'm about to eat!
I'm blessed! The universe is infinitely generous!
And I'm deeply grateful to have been returned to this state.
Oh yeah, and I got to be with baby Chloe for a long stretch today. We had a date. It rocked.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Playfully Wearing Costumes
Also yesterday I had the opportunity to be on a three-way call with my friend Mitch, who's in another Diamond Experience, and I also got to be a guest during his Diamond Experience group call. Both calls were very stimulating, as I saw how the Diamond is a truly outside-of-the-box, creative plane way of being. It's very exciting.
On his group call each of the participants contemplated and shared his or her personal spirit medicine. I thought about music and dancing at first and then noticed people were looking at their own inherent deeper traits.
I looked, thanks to someone else's sharing, at what seems to be at the core of my personality, of this being that is its own unique manifestation of God. And I saw that my spirit medicine is my exuberance and love of life. My being in love with life. It is such a HUGE gift and also one that sometimes takes openness, forgiveness and diligence to allow. Funny to say those words, because it would seem like it's more just a letting go, a taking my hands off the wheel, a turning the boat downstream, a releasing the brakes that allows such love to flow. So I suppose that's where the diligence comes in. Let's share some of Mr. Wattles words:
There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought; it is the hardest work in the world. This is especially true when truth is contrary to appearances. Every appearance in the visible world tends to produce a corresponding form in the mind which observes it. This can only be prevented by holding the thought of the truth.
Wallce D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich, Chapter 4
I read this passage last night and was particularly moved by the last two sentences. He is such a genius and this book is filled with brilliance. Again: Every appearance in the visible world tends to produce a corresponding form in the mind which observes it. This is judgment. Categorization. Putting things and people in boxes. Assumption. Guilt. Limitation. Fear. This can only be prevented by holding the thought of the truth. This is love. It is not even a thought. It is beyond and before thought. It is a feeling, a vibration, the truth of our being-ness.
This morning I was blessed to wake and notice my thoughts, rather than get taken over by them. I made myself a note on my bathroom mirror: Observing, without added thoughts. Then I added a smiley face.
So this is my practice today. When I'm blessed to notice, may I observe, withought adding thoughts. From that place, I am only love. Ultimately we are all only love; we just get hypnotized by thoughts that tell us otherwise. Those thoughts are not different from love either! They're just playfully wearing costumes.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I just want to share the lyrics to the beautiful song I'm hearing right now, Wade Imre Morissette's Ganga River:
Ganga River, Ganga River
Which way am I going?
Can you see me growing?
Can you feel my longing?
Do you think I am belonging?
Ganga river cause the rivers flows
Ganga river cause the rivers knows
Ganga river flows
What is your message?
Which path do I take?
Am I taken care of?
Is it safe to come out?
Ganga river cause the rivers flows
Ganga river cause the rivers knows
Ganga river flows
How I am gaging?
Your grace and your guidance
What can I do for you now?
I offer my life
Cause the river flows
Casue the river knows
Cause the river flows
Shows me the way
Sits me to pray
Helps me to say
Ganga Ganga
I choose to take flight
With all of my might
I am taking no prisoners
I am creating my life
Cause the river flows
Casue the river knows
Cause the river flows
Lead me home
I don't have much else to say right now. I'm going to go meditate.Gratefully yours,
Monday, October 5, 2009
Ask and it Shall Be Given . . .
As I sat down to write just now, I didn't want to hold the hot laptop right on my lap, thin jammies and all. From where I sat I looked around the room, with purpose. At first I didn't see anything I could use as a desk, and then I saw, on a chair across from me, the perfect notebook. Hard cover, spiral. The kinds I use for my Morning Pages.
*** That was fun! I just "mistyped" the beginning of the word Morning, and what came out was: Om. As if that isn't sweet enough, on my Pandora right now is a song called "Inside the Om". Nice. ***
It's all connected like that.
So many things I can point to in the SGR world today. An interesting thing came up for me while I was at work that hasn't come up since I've been doing the job I currently do: I felt - for the first time - like I was getting ready to move on.
I've been so grateful for this position, for the ease of it and for the way I created it in a way that really works for me. I don't know what was different today. It could have easily been the food I'd eaten. It could have been the gray skies. And it could have been old sankaras coming up. Who knows. It could have also been none of that. Regardless of any why, the experience I had was of sleepiness and boredom. I felt like I was outgrowing it.
So I'm just curios to see if that's because I'm more than filling my present place and I am, in fact, evolving out of it. Nothing I can do to move that along than to keep on living in the Certain Way. Focused on and grateful for the present. Holding the clear mental images in the mind with the faith and purpose that they're coming to me. It's a trip to walk up the stairs at the hospital and bring myself fully into that moment and also mentally declare: this is making me rich.
I'm steeped more deeply in this paradigm, that's for sure.
I feel like I had something deep I wanted to share, but the thought was fleeting.
So here's another SGR moment: Tonight I tried out a new recipe and was sort of feeling sorry for myself, missing the chef who used to hang around, wanting to share my food. Well, as it turned out, I overcooked just about everything in the meal that could be overcooked -- but the flavors were good. So I got to practice making this meal with its failures and didn't have to serve anyone else, lover or not, mushy food. In the end, I was grateful that I was cooking for myself. Everything works out.
I played the Patti Smith song, "Grateful", tonight (dang! where do those commas go?) on my guitar and sang it. Every time, the refrain is the same: It all will come out fine . . . I've learned it line by line. And as I sat on my couch, lights dim and comfortable, feet cool and bare on the clean hardwood floor, I knew the absolute truth of that statement.
Often in the moment of disappointment, it's hard to surrender and not to feel blue, as Mr. Wattles suggests. He reminds us that there's a greater mind at play and that, in fact, that greater mind is more eager to give us what we want than we are to get it. (Say what? Wow.)
I told someone yesterday, "I trust in the greater good." Looking back on that conversation now, I recognize that I was surrendering. Even though there were things my ego wanted, I tapped into something higher. Something I could trust more than my base cravings, and I asked it to choose for me.
And so I pray to God to handle things for me. I take my hands - mostly - off the wheel. It seems to be the smarter thing to do. Rather than to push against my cravings. Rather than to make anything wrong. I simply pray for the greater good, with FAITH that we are in the arms of the Benevolent Creator.
I'm curious. Things look pretty neat around here.
Abraham quote for the day. Thanks, Jenny!
Achieve, first, the vibrational essence of your desire—and then, through the crack of least resistance the manifestation will be delivered... work on the essence of the feeling of freedom; work on the essence of the feeling of empowerment— work on the essence of the feeling of Well-Being... And how do you do that? You can imagine it already having happened and pretend what it will feel like when it is that way. Or, you can look for things in your life that are already like that and beat the drum of that until they play a higher percentage of time in the vibrational signal that you are emanating.
--- Abraham
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Good News & Generosity = the Impression of Increase!
DarynKagan.com, a site dedicated to hopeful news stories! People living their dreams! Successes! Daryn Kagan IS sharing The Certain Way! She is showing increase and more life for all. She worked for CNN for 12 years and when they didn't renew her contract, she set up a focus on the world that's positive. That's becoming. Hallelujah! All things are possible!
I was so psyched when I saw an article about her in Body & Soul magazine. It was especially great because I haven't been reading my copies of the magazine lately, and, in fact, had this one in a pile to give away, but, well, I took it into the bathroom with me this morning. I also came across two inspiring recipes that shaped my grocery shopping and will shape my eating this week. Mmmmmm Wild Salmon with Yogurt Dill Sauce. Aw yeah.
Thank you, formless substance.
And something else I'm getting that I want to share with you:
In my gifting circle I'm in (called the Diamond Experience), I'm in a position called Generosity. I was just reminded a few days ago of this by Victoria, who's in the Abundance/Gratitude position in our Diamond. It was so cool to see that reminder from her! I saw these words in a text message: " . . . because you're in Generosity."
What a beautiful thing to be told!
Ahhh! How wonderful!
I recalled right away how when I was traveling this week, I had several opportunities to give big tips . . . bigger than expected in those situations. It was great and helped me see my Clear Mental Image of putting $100 bills in the tip jar at Cafe Mundi, my favorite morning hangout in a town full of great ones. My friend calls it my "second living room". Anyway, so I'd been giving big tips, and that was fun. And doing so also helps me get into the feeling of infinite increase, as I just know I can "afford" to hand the shuttle driver a twenty dollar bill. Of course I can! Increase for all!
Also since I've been back from my trip, I've had two opportunities to give things away at the bus stop next door: a stack of records, and a ticket to a concert. I even got to trace the ticket a bit as the person who picked it up emailed me (I'd posted on craigslist that there was a free ticket to a show taped to the bench at the bus stop) so I looked him up on Facebook, where he'd posted about going to the show! How cool!
Those moments have been giving me joy.
So I looked to see how it connects with the Science of Getting Rich. And what I saw is this:
Generosity is like giving off the impression of increase. When we feel that we can give freely of anything - money, time, food, attention, other resources - we are living from abundance. When we feel that we can freely share, we are not coming from any lack. And according to Mr. Wattles, there's no hurry on the creative plane. And the stuff from which we create is infinite, as are our opportunities, resources and positions.
Being in generosity is relaxing, like being in the relaxed state studying Mr. Wattles puts me in. Just present. Just trusting. Just being and relaxing and celebrating. It's so fun!
One last thought for tonight that stems from this.
Today I got to do something that gives me great pleasure, usually after I've completed the task. I swept and mopped all the floors in my apartment. I have wood floors (except in the bathroom and tiny kitchen) and a wild assortment of spider webs and dust bunnies that exponentially produce the moment the floor dries from its last mopping. And, um, its last mopping could have been as long as a year ago. I don't like doing floors.
But today!
When I remembered, I held the impression of increase as I worked. I looked to see if I was doing the work efficiently, as Mr. Wattles teaches us (see yesterday's post). And so, especially when I was getting tired, I reached for the Supreme Power, which, for me, means getting really present. It helped keep me focused throughout the cleaning AND when I remembered I would tell myself that that activity was keeping thousands of dollars in my bank account and bringing me all I want.
And now I have clean floors and it rocks!
It's all very interesting, and I'm having fun.
Your loyal,
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Tonight I watched a beautiful movie called Shakespeare Behind Bars. Redemption is ours to have. The love of God misses no one.
Contemplating this idea of redemption (not to mention digging the theme of the film, as I have a strong feeling about what's available to people living in prison), and contemplating SGR, I see that Mr. Wattles sees through love's eyes:
growing, and to regard seeming evil as being only that which is undeveloped. Always speak in terms of advancement."
The Science of Getting Rich, Chapter 16
I've been watching as I go through the day and asking myself, Am I living in the Certain Way? I just watch. Often, I conclude I am. I do, each day, all that can be done that day. Well, I am active, most of the time. And I believe on the resting days, Mr. Wattles approves as well. He says that R & R are essential parts of overall health. I bring the Power of Now into my actions, or, as Mr. Wattles says, "You can make each act a success, because the Infinite is working with you, and the Infinite cannot fail. The Supreme Power is at your service. To make each act efficient you have only to put your own power into it." (SGR, Chapter 12)
I believe he means that we only need bring the power of presence into what we do, and in those moments, we have the Supreme Power at our service. We ARE that.
Also today, I started reading The Artist's Way - again. I'm starting a group to work through the book this coming week. I'm glad to pick it up again after the long studying I've been doing of SGR, because the author points right to the creative nature of the formless substance. I'm in! (And I'm also intimidated. This might be where I actually have to let some of my emotions out of my seemingly rigid system.)
I saw today that when I was younger and fell head over heels in love (with a little band called The Grateful Dead), and I was so rejected by my father, I could well have made a decision about the "okay-ness" of feeling passionate about the things I do. It's such a relief to be able to distinguish what I've been clinging to around that relationship and how it has continued to effect my life. I'm not sure how much of this I want to get into, because I'm not sure how open I am when I'm writing it.
Just noticing that I'm moving more into a knowing that we can live lives that are FILLED with joy. We are infinite beings. Sky's the limit, and the sky doesn't stop. At least not anywhere near where our minds can comprehend.
I'm grateful for playing my guitar and singing. Those are some of the clearest untethered moments I have. Really grateful.
And for this Planet Chant CD that I think I bought in California. Haight Street, maybe. Reminds me of travel and how, yes, this is part of my life, and I dig it. People often say to me, "You travel a lot!" and I say, "Yes, I do." And I smile.
Thank you, formless substance. Thank you for creating this being that went for a walk in the rain today. Thank you for the rain and for having me out in it and for mp3 players and clothes to change into and the fun of jumping up and down in puddles, running like rivers through the gutters. Thank you for continuing to show this being that all we want to do is have fun, and that has no limits, no real structure. It's ALL made up. So go on and have a great time! It is your true nature.
This is the beak poking its way out of the egg.
Such a time of inquiry. Such a time of curiosity, of watching.
Let's bring this around with another little bit from our faithful teacher:
Thank you, Mr. Wattles, formless substance, etc. Really. I do appreciate this apparent waking up.
Clear Mental Image
Friday, October 2, 2009
Right On Track, and it feels great. Thank you.
Another major thing that I realized today is that this book is highly useful for people like me, people like Michelle, who are on a certain path that has us living on a different plane. We do our work and it just looks different. We have our vocations. So for folks like us who do live on a different plane, we need to know how to create so that it all works for us and so that we can continue to make whatever our craft is, whatever our guided inspiration, and still be cared for on the basic level, and, says Mr. Wattles, well beyond.
It's been interesting and very cool to contemplate that.
. . . for they see the world as kind.
A Course in Miracles
Thursday, October 1, 2009
From Angel Numbers, over dinner with Michelle