Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Just wanted to stop by and spread the good cheer for a moment.

I was feeling out of sorts earlier tonight. Doubtful. Upset. It wasn't horrible but there were definitely voices in my head saying things didn't look so good.

The best thing that I touched on was the fact that this, too, shall pass. Got space right away and freedom in that moment. Thank you, Vipassana!

Then I went to meet my new Artist's Way partner, Deborah, to sign our contracts. We are now committed to twelve weeks of self-discovery and unleashing our creative sprites! I'm psyched! And having that meeting totally helped shift me out of the head-up-my-butt state that I'd been in. Much thanks to all and to God for that one.

Then I got home and made a date with a friend to have smoothies and go for a walk around my neighborhood in the morning and another friend is coming 'round in the afternoon. What a downstream day I've created for myself! And I'll get my exercise in! Thank you!

And THEN, my neighbor knocked on my door and said, "Veggie lasagna?"

Um . . . let me think . . . OF COURSE! HELLS YES!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

When I'd been feeling doubtful earlier, I recalled Mr. Wattles reminding us to spend time in gratitude (and contemplating our vision). I have to admit that my vision was blurred at the time and I wasn't too present to my gratitude at the moment either. Still, with a bit of patience, the love unfolded all around and within me.

I don't feel disappointed at all right now. Fascinating how we think feelings are real and solid and have foundation.

So I'm saving my lasagna for tomorrow and about to make a snack to eat right now because, even though I had dinner, I feel really hungry. I'm grateful for the fruit and yogurt and chia seeds and flax oil I'm about to eat!

I'm blessed! The universe is infinitely generous!

And I'm deeply grateful to have been returned to this state.

Oh yeah, and I got to be with baby Chloe for a long stretch today. We had a date. It rocked.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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