This morning I was inspired to put a $20 bill in an envelope and take it to the bus stop. Yesterday I'd been feeling nervous about money and recalled the story from about the woman who was instructed by her spiritual teacher to give things away (to get her head out of her own booty). She was told that she had to give at least some things that were hard to give . . . things she thought she couldn't afford to give.
I thought about that this morning and chose to put a twenty in an envelope. It felt great and clear.
So out to the bus stop I went, making sure there was nobody there. I taped the envelope to the bench as the owner of the business (a barber shop) behind the bus stop pulled into his driveway. I'd actually noticed that his car wasn't there when I walked out, thinking it odd that it was 10:30 in the morning and he wasn't there yet.
I went over to say hi and I said, "You're late," and he said, "No, I'm not. I'm my own boss." He said, "You're just used to seeing certain things." So true!
So he said, "You're the one who's been leaving that stuff on my front stoop." I told him, it's not his front stoop, it's the bus stop, and he said he'd been wondering when he was going to catch [the gift-leaving bandit].
I told him what was in today's envelope and he couldn't believe it. He went and looked at it and said, "I found it." Also true.
He took it down and held it up to the sun, not believing that I (or anyone?) would do such a thing! He kept asking me, "Is it real?"
I assured him it was and he said, "I'm gonna give this back to you for Christmas."
I checked in with myself to see if that felt in the flow or if I wanted him to put it back on the bench. A part of me longed for the idea of someone finding the envelope and it making their day. I also know this is not the last time I leave treats like this around town. No, he was right. He found it. And I liked the idea that it was almost instantly coming back to me, if that's what he chooses to do with it. It was like a message from the Universe saying, it's continually coming around.
I look forward to the day I leave $100 bills out there!
You never know what's going to be at your bus stop!
Have a great day.
I love this story! How empowering and validating. Thank you for sharing!